450+ Unique Boy Names That Start with V

Unique Boy Names That Start with V

Choosing a name for your baby is a deeply personal and significant decision for any parent. The name you select often carries cultural, familial, or even personal significance.

When it comes to boy names, there is a vast array of options to consider, each with its own unique charm. In this exploration of boy names, we turn our attention to those that start with the letter V.

These names possess a certain distinctiveness and can evoke a wide range of emotions and imagery.

From timeless classics to more modern and unique choices, boy names that start with V offer a diverse and fascinating selection, making it a delightful area of exploration for expectant parents.

Whether you’re drawn to names that exude strength, elegance, or creativity, you’re sure to find inspiration within this collection of names that start with the letter “V.”

Boy Names That Start With V

Column 1Column 2
1. Victor26. Vaughn
2. Vincent27. Vaughn
3. Valentin28. Vance
4. Vincent29. Vinnie
5. Valerian30. Van
6. Vincenzo31. Vaughn
7. Vaughn32. Valor
8. Victor33. Virgil
9. Vance34. Vidal
10. Vance35. Vinnie
11. Valentine36. Vonn
12. Vito37. Viren
13. Vance38. Verne
14. Vaughn39. Vyacheslav
15. Valiant40. Vinh
16. Vaughn41. Vaughan
17. Valerio42. Vidar
18. Victor43. Vander
19. Virgil44. Voltaire
20. Vincenzo45. Vannoy
21. Vincent46. Virender
22. Vannoy47. Vonn
23. Vaughan48. Vallen
24. Virgil49. Valiant
25. Vidal50. Valdez

Unique Boy Names That Start with V

  • Vesper
  • Valor
  • Vivek
  • Vireo
  • Viking
  • Vaylen
  • Vaelan
  • Valtin
  • Varian
  • Viridian
  • Vartan
  • Vyom
  • Varen
  • Vallen
  • Vidar
  • Vaelor
  • Vasile
  • Vadim
  • Vaelan
  • Viren
  • Varen
  • Vaelor
  • Vayden
  • Virgil
  • Vaelin
  • Varro
  • Valac
  • Vaelen
  • Vaelin
  • Vulcan
  • Varis
  • Vireo
  • Vardan
  • Varro
  • Vadis
  • Vartan
  • Vidian
  • Valen
  • Vaelor
  • Viraj
  • Vasco
  • Vaelin
  • Valiant
  • Vaylen
  • Voltaire
  • Vayron
  • Vaghn
  • Varon
  • Vayden
  • Vaelan

Also Check Out: Boy names That Start with W

Cute Boy Names That Start with V

  • Vincent
  • Victor
  • Valentine
  • Vinnie
  • Vaughn
  • Valentin
  • Vito
  • Viggo
  • Van
  • Vaughnie
  • Vannoy
  • Vaugh
  • Vance
  • Vasco
  • Vann
  • Vinnie
  • Vaughn
  • Val
  • Valerio
  • Vinny
  • Vander
  • Valor
  • Vanek
  • Virgil
  • Vallen
  • Vince
  • Viridian
  • Vardan
  • Vance
  • Valiant
  • Voltaire
  • Viraj
  • Verne
  • Valdez
  • Vin
  • Viddy
  • Vian
  • Vale
  • Victorio
  • Vasil
  • Viren
  • Vir
  • Vivek
  • Vidar
  • Vinicio
  • Velcro
  • Viviano
  • Vallen
  • Vaylen
  • Vien

International Boy Names That Start with V

  • Vasili (Russian)
  • Víctor (Spanish)
  • Valentin (French)
  • Vidar (Norwegian)
  • Vinod (Indian)
  • Vitor (Portuguese)
  • Viktor (Swedish)
  • Vadim (Russian)
  • Valerio (Italian)
  • Vyacheslav (Russian)
  • Vitalis (Latin)
  • Vuk (Serbian)
  • Vadim (Russian)
  • Vamshi (Indian)
  • Vasilis (Greek)
  • Veli (Turkish)
  • Valerian (French)
  • Vasco (Portuguese)
  • Vladislav (Russian)
  • Venkat (Indian)
  • Valdemar (Swedish)
  • Vianney (French)
  • Vedran (Croatian)
  • Viacheslav (Ukrainian)
  • Víctor Hugo (Spanish)
  • Vukasin (Serbian)
  • Valery (Russian)
  • Vincenzo (Italian)
  • Vitorino (Portuguese)
  • Vittorio (Italian)
  • Vyom (Indian)
  • Vilhelm (Swedish)
  • Vardan (Armenian)
  • Vadim (Ukrainian)
  • Vian (Indonesian)
  • Vasile (Romanian)
  • Vinicius (Portuguese)
  • Viljami (Finnish)
  • Vivek (Indian)
  • Vasilios (Greek)
  • Viktoras (Lithuanian)
  • Valeriu (Romanian)
  • Vangelis (Greek)
  • Vithal (Indian)
  • Vitorio (Portuguese)
  • Vihaan (Indian)
  • Volkan (Turkish)
  • Vahe (Armenian)
  • Vartan (Armenian)
  • Vasily (Russian)

Short Boy Names That Start with V

  • Vin
  • Vic
  • Van
  • Val
  • Vann
  • Vito
  • Vian
  • Voss
  • Vay
  • Vlad
  • Vayn
  • Vern
  • Voss
  • Vinz
  • Vas
  • Vonn
  • Vir
  • Vex
  • Vyn
  • Vik
  • Vai
  • Vien
  • Vicc
  • Vael
  • Vale
  • Vael
  • Vip
  • Vito
  • Viha
  • Vigo
  • Vayl
  • Vace
  • Vim
  • Vasu
  • Vid
  • Vael
  • Vael
  • Vox
  • Voss
  • Vai
  • Vino
  • Vaj
  • Vann
  • Vane
  • Vaez
  • Vayd
  • Vain
  • Vlek
  • Vear
  • Vorn

Creative Boy Names That Start with V

  • Vesper
  • Vulcan
  • Valor
  • Vidar
  • Vyndal
  • Vaelor
  • Vaylen
  • Vanguard
  • Valiant
  • Viridian
  • Vaelin
  • Venator
  • Valtor
  • Vireo
  • Valoris
  • Vayron
  • Vashen
  • Vaelin
  • Vividus
  • Vaelor
  • Vaelin
  • Valric
  • Virender
  • Valorous
  • Vaelon
  • Vexon
  • Veloz
  • Vision
  • Varian
  • Vaelor
  • Vaelin
  • Vaelor
  • Velen
  • Valtrex
  • Veilor
  • Vallen
  • Varek
  • Viraj
  • Vaelar
  • Vaelen
  • Viatrix
  • Valorius
  • Vossian
  • Vaelor
  • Vaelin
  • Vaelin
  • Vaelor
  • Vaelen
  • Vaelor
  • Vivaro

Funny Boy Names That Start with V

  • Vin Diesel
  • Vic Tator
  • Van Go
  • Vinnie the Pooh
  • Vex R. Ciser
  • Val U. Able
  • Vinnie Pizzeria
  • Vlad the Impaler
  • Vargas Bored
  • Vic Timizer
  • Virgilante
  • Vlad Tepes
  • Vex A. Tious
  • Van Triloquist
  • Vincent van Gone
  • Vinnie Vidi Vici
  • Vic Torious
  • Vito Ligo
  • Val E. Dictorian
  • Vic Timize
  • Vexington
  • Van Gogh-nuts
  • Vinnie Mac
  • Vash the Stampede
  • Val U. Prop
  • Vince Offer
  • Vex M. Plary
  • Van Trumplet
  • Vin Diesel Fuel
  • Vito Ria
  • Vlad Draculol
  • Vinnie Venti
  • Virgil Ity
  • Val U. Meeter
  • Vic Timize
  • Van Derfull
  • Vex Lax
  • Val U. Added
  • Vinnie Barbarino
  • Vortex O’Flavor
  • Vinny Vidi Vici
  • Vic Timonious
  • Van Dango
  • Vladislav the Inhaler
  • Val U. Prelude
  • Vex A. Minus
  • Vincent Van No
  • Vinnie Cognito
  • Vinnie the Quiche
  • Vic Trolaugh

Baby Boy Names That Start with V

  • Victor
  • Vincent
  • Vasco
  • Vinnie
  • Vaughn
  • Valentin
  • Vito
  • Vance
  • Viggo
  • Valerio
  • Vaughnie
  • Vannoy
  • Valiant
  • Varun
  • Virgil
  • Valdez
  • Vincento
  • Vann
  • Valerian
  • Vidal
  • Vaugh
  • Vallen
  • Vinicio
  • Viren
  • Vyom
  • Vaelan
  • Vaylen
  • Vadim
  • Vai
  • Vargas
  • Vihan
  • Varis
  • Valor
  • Valon
  • Vash
  • Vyacheslav
  • Varro
  • Vayn
  • Vallen
  • Vagner
  • Voss
  • Varkon
  • Vayron
  • Vinz
  • Vaelor
  • Valois
  • Vinay
  • Vaike
  • Valin
  • Vyon


In the realm of baby names, the quest for uniqueness and individuality often leads to the discovery of hidden gems, and the list of unique boy names that start with “V” is a testament to that. These names carry an air of distinction and originality that sets them apart from the more common and traditional choices.

Each name on this list has its own story, meaning, and charm, making it a special and intriguing option for parents seeking a name that will make their child stand out. From Vesper to Vaelor, Valiant to Vyacheslav, these names span various cultures and languages, offering a world of possibilities for those who desire a one-of-a-kind name for their little one.

Ultimately, the pursuit of a unique boy’s name that starts with “V” is a celebration of individuality and a nod to the endless well of creativity that exists in the world of baby naming. It’s an opportunity for parents to give their child a name as unique and remarkable as they are.

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